Finding A Balance Between Knowledge Workers And Intelligent Robots

Finding A Balance Between Knowledge Workers And Intelligent Robots

We now have an increasing number of robots and AI systems that are sophisticated and ready to take on tasks previously carried out by humans.

That leaves data-driven organizations to ask these critical questions

How could we find a balance between knowledge workers and AI?
Which role is best suited to humans?
Which are the routine task that could be automated?
Undoubtedly, automation affects every corner of our lives, so business leaders must prepare their organizations and people for the rapidly changing nature of work resulting from COVID-19.

Let’s get our ground firm and understand, What is a data journey all about?

It’s a series of steps…

Data has been called the “raw material of information” or “Raw Data.” Call it anything you like, but its non-analytical ready Data that hasn’t passed through the Data Quality test is a non-executing knowledge stored in digital form.
Information has been called “data in context” or “data in the subject area” or “discovering the facts or customer demographics.”
Knowledge is information with meaning — storytelling about customers or facts.
Insights are knowledge-driven — which users are likely to churn or convert in the future based on the inside.
Wisdom is to make sensible decisions and judgments based on accumulated customer knowledge & Insights.

Now, here’s the thing – How advanced AI gets, but it would never be able to make sensible decisions — the journey of Data to Wisdom is exciting and challenging.

This journey is long and time-consuming!

What part of the data journey could be automated and Why?

First, Let me talk about Why?

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