We live faster and faster, trying to meet the numerous requirements – of a partner, children or the boss. One of the greatest burdens for a human being is professional life. More and more people are experiencing stress at work.
Some, fearing failure in the office or the anger of the employer, try to survive all day with a cramped stomach. The day before, others cannot stop thinking about unfinished projects or monthly plans. What are the most common causes of stress at work and how to deal with it?
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Stress at Work – Symptoms
The sooner we have to fulfill our duties in the office, the more often we get nervous. Stress at work creates a constant tension that triggers the release of the stress hormone cortisol. We are late or make mistakes out of haste, which may cause conflicts with the supervisor. And that’s another cause for worry. Some employees feel fear and anxiety from the night before going to the office.
Stress at Work – Effects
A person who experiences stress at work is reluctant to change, but at the same time loses interest in work (the so-called burnout). Such an employee experiences unintentional mistakes, works ineffectively, and in extreme cases leaves the company.
Stress at work has an impact on our private life. We leave the house without breakfast. We think about our work duties after hours, without having time to socialize, and we dwell on even the biggest failures for a long time.
In extreme cases, people are afraid to start a family and, in fear of losing their job, take a leave on demand or special leave. Long-term stress at work can have a significant impact on the health of an employee, leading to diseases such as:
- stomach ulcers
- coronary artery disease
- insomnia
- neurosis
- depression
Stress At Work – How To Deal
What can I do to survive the day at the office? Reactions to stress at work depend on the personality and temperament of a person, his predisposition to cope with mental stress and often his life philosophy. Stress at work most often affects people who are pessimists by nature, withdrawn, failures that reflect for a long time.
How To Deal With Stress At Work?
First of all, it is worth facing a stressful situation. Think about what’s bothering you.
Can’t you make it on time? If you have an overload of responsibilities, try talking to your manager.
Practice assertiveness, do not try to please all colleagues at the expense of your own time and health.
If the behavior of any of them bothers you, try to talk about the problem.
Try to maintain a pleasant working atmosphere, but not at all costs – all you need to do is establish a good relationship with several people.
Stress at work will help reduce better time management. Perhaps you need training on this topic? Make a list of tasks – this will help you avoid chaos.
Get up half an hour earlier than usual. A day started in this way will make you take your time and you will finally have breakfast. Try to cover at least part of the way on foot.
Are you overwhelmed with responsibilities? Apply relaxation exercises. Breathe deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. You will oxygenate the body and reduce stress at work.
In the office, try not to give in to negative emotions. Take care of a good atmosphere.
Take care of a friendly work environment. Perhaps you need a different lighting, a better chair.
After work, go for a walk, take care of physical activity. Provide yourself with a daily dose of exercise – you will release the happiness hormones – endorphins.
Take time to relax at least half an hour before bedtime. Read a book, listen to relaxing music, do something you like.
Get some sleep. A good night’s sleep will help reduce stress at work.
Surround yourself with positive people and do not give black thoughts. After work, don’t think about your chores.
Take care of a proper diet, rich in minerals and vitamins. To calm down in the evening, drink herbs such as lemon balm. You can also help yourself with herbal calming tablets.
If nothing helps, and you experience great tension and great anxiety at the thought of work, consider consulting a psychologist who will refer you to a psychiatrist if necessary. You can also sign up for a support group.