Looking For a New Job? Imeila Fonua Explains How a Technical Recruiter Can Help You

Looking For a New Job? Imeila Fonua Explains How a Technical Recruiter Can Help You

Imeila Fonua has been working as a senior technical recruiter for over five years. A technical recruiter is similar to a regular recruiter in that both types of recruiters help match qualified employees with employers who are hiring. A technical recruiter focuses on matching those with technical job skills to employers who are offering technical positions. If you have experience in the technical field, you may be curious as to how a technical recruiter can help you find a new job. Listen in as Mr. Fonua explains it to you.

Imeila Fonua Describes How Technical Recruiters Can Help Match You With Employers Who Are Hiring For Your Skillset

One of the most challenging things about finding a new job when you work in a technical field is trying to assess which positions you are qualified for. Many of the applications that are posted online are posted by a human resources professional. They may not know the technical skills or requirements that a specific job needs, or may use specific technical terms incorrectly. As such, you may find yourself applying for jobs you are overly qualified for or underqualified for. A technical recruiter works with the employer to find out what specifically they need in an employee, helping to save everyone’s time.

Imeila Fonua Details How Technical Recruiters Can Help You Stand Out From Other Prospective Employees

Another way that a technical recruiter can help you when you are looking for a new job is by helping you to stand out. A company puts a lot of weight into the candidates that a trusted and reliable technical recruiter sends their way. The company knows that the recruiter has already vetted you and ensured you have the right skills. This can help you to stand out in the minds of an employer and help you to land a position faster.

Imeila Fonua States How Technical Recruiters Can Maximize the Salary You Get When Placed For a Position

Lastly, a technical recruiter can help maximize the salary you get when you are placed for a position. A technical recruiter works with many technical companies, and therefore, they have a great idea as to what an employer should be paying for the position you are interviewing for or being placed for. This type of knowledge can help you ask for a fair and reasonable salary based on the current technical job market. You can also leverage this to ensure you get fair benefits, such as paid time off and medical benefits, as well.

Imeila Fonua says that a technical recruiter plays an important role in helping employers find qualified and skilled employees for the technical positions they are looking to hire for. A technical recruiter screens the candidate, assesses their skills and helps to match them with an employer who has an open position that matches their skillset. This is a win-win for both employers and employees, and thanks to the labor shortage, his position has become even more invaluable.

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