Do you run a business, and are you considering incorporating video marketing into your broader marketing strategy? These days, video is a very important channel for marketing a brand; there was a time when incorporating video into marketing plans was a new and unique idea – but now it is very much an essential component.
All kinds of businesses have successfully utilized video marketing in one way or another. For instance, TechQuarters, who provide IT support services London businesses have been choosing for more than a decade, has leveraged video marketing in their services for several years now. If you’re looking to start video marketing for your brand, here are some tips and tricks to consider.
1. Make a Good First Impression
The average attention span of online users is very short – on average, it’s about 8 seconds. What this means is your video needs to be attention grabbing within those first 8 seconds. Whatever story you are trying to tell, you need to make sure it comes to life very quickly – that way, people will be invested in it from the get-go.
Within the first few seconds of your video, you need to be able to explain clearly what the video is about; and explain it in an interesting, eye-catching way. You want to let your target audience know that your video is worth their time.
2. Tell Stories
These days, with the popularity and reach of social media platforms, adverts and entertainment have more or less the same reach – in fact, oftentimes adverts look just like social media posts. This means that adverts and marketing content needs to offer just as much entertainment as unbranded entertainment content.
Your best bet for creating entertaining, original video marketing content is to tell original stories. These should be stories that are authentic – for instance, stories about your company, the founder, the people working for your business. The important thing is not to focus entirely on the brand; the stories you tell need to create value for the people watching them – they should be information or education, entertaining, amusing, etc.
3. Create Tutorials & Demos
Another valuable type of video content to use in your marketing campaign is tutorial and demo videos. If you have a product or service that you’re trying to get audiences to use, then a good way of getting people interested in it is to show they the best way to use it. For instance, part of the business IT support London organisations receive from TechQuarters includes onboarding customers to software and teaching them how to use it in the best way; they do this by creating tutorial videos that instruct their customers. Providing audiences with this kind of content can also help alleviate potential concerns and uncertainties that audiences might have about purchasing your product or service.
4. Create a Schedule
The way you keep your target audience interested is by providing them with regular video content. Therefore, you need to create a schedule for posting your videos. You can’t just post videos at random; you need to think of it as a campaign just like any other type of marketing.
Once you have produced your video content, you need to create a publishing schedule. To start with, do some research about the platforms you’re going to be posting on, and try to ascertain what time of day will garner the best engagement – in other words, when the largest number of users will be on the platform.
5. Use CGC
Another great way to create value in the eyes of your target audience is to incorporate customer generated content into your videos. It has been found in studies that audiences think brands are more trustworthy and higher quality if customers generate content on behalf of the brand – this kind of advocacy has very high value. Incorporating it into your video content is a great way of showing new audiences that the public endorse your brand.